Fast-forward to contemporary culture. Can any of you name a person who doesn't struggle with some level of body image care, concern, or obsession? Let me make it even harder. . . can any of you name a young person who doesn't feel the pressure to obsess?
A couple of weeks ago I ran across a report from MSNBC on lesser known eating disorders. These lesser known eating disorders are those that don't meet the criteria for Anorexia or Bulimia. I remember the day when I was 21-years-old when I first heard the term Anorexia Nervosa. I was clueless.
It wasn't part of our everyday vernacular. In fact, Anorexia and Bulima - at the time - could have called unknown eating disorders. Yes, the times have changed.
- Orthorexia - This is a fixation with healthy or "righteous" eating. These are the folks who will only put organic foods in their bodies. They will eliminate entire food groups. They will refuse to eat anything that isn't "pure" in quality. The motivation here is a fear of bad health, a desire to control everything they eat. Orthorexia can lead to malnourishment.
- Pregorexia - This is the extreme dieting some resort to during pregnancy in an effort to not put on the normal 25 to 35 pounds of extra pregnancy weight. Rather than "eating for two," these women eat with an obsession to be sure the one - themselves - stays skinny. Rooted in the social pressure to look thin during and after pregnancy, Pregorexia is risky for moms as it can lead to high blood pressure, anemia, and depression. Risks to the baby include miscarriage and birth defects.
- Binge Eating - This is the complusive overeating people resort to to deal with stress and emotional problems. The difference between this type of binge and the Bulimic binge is that they don't reverse the binge by vomiting.
- Anorexia Athletica - I remember hearing this called Hypergymnasia several years ago. With this addiction to exercise, people work out above and beyond what's helpful and healthy. Gym time begins to interfere with their jobs and relationships. Fatal cardiac problems and depression can result.
- Drunkorexia - This occurs when someone decides to restrict their caloric intake from food so that they can drink the calories in alcohol, usually at times when they are planning to binge drink. A study at the University of Missouri found that almost 30 percent of female college students exhibit drunkorexic behavior. They think they will not gain weight and that they will get drunk faster. Chances for alcohol poisoning, drunken sexual behavior, and heart/liver diseases are risks associated with Drunkorexia.
Thank you so much for this post! I am a 20 yr old Christian girl (I actually go to WPC, but I don't think we've met) who as a past of disordered eating. It was (and in many ways still is) a major battle for me and I struggled to understand it in the context of my Christian faith. I'm grateful you are raising awareness because I've been burdened with the need for Biblical voices of wisdom in a largely secular and self-help counseling field. I am currently studying to be a Dietitian with the dream of counseling girls with eating disorders -- to show them the hope and healing Christ has shown me!
Rebecca. . . so good to hear stories of redemption like yours!
Rebecca, check out Hungry For Hope as a resource and an encouragement. Also, Wonderfully Made. These are both Christian organizations run by women with your same passion. Bless you for following God's plan for you to help others and point them to Him. Another terrific resource is the book "Redemption: Freed by Jesus from the Idols We Worship and the Wounds We Carry" by Mike Wilkerson of Mars Hill Church, Seattle.
Thanks so much for this. I'm a Young Life leader and I read this blog earlier this week and then just yesterday one of my girls broke down and confessed struggling with an eating disorder. I never would have guessed. Thanks for helping share that there are so many ways that the brokeness of the world is manifest in the lives of our kids.
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